Technical Assessment

A company with core business of real estate, construction, tourism, mining and financial investment which head quarter is located in Hong Kong with multiple sites in Mainland China

500+ Employees

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test

Organization is getting more concerns in information security as there is a significant increase in cyber security attack nowadays. However, limited review and regular technical assessment in this organization causes the system and network vulnerabilities have been accumulated throughout the years. Given with this scenario and the scale of the technical assessment which has to be conducted across different sites, our technical specialist and pentesters have to put extra effort in evaluating the security and risk level in order to define the baseline security level and controls that are being implemented in the organization. Furthermore, it is also critical to provide practical recommendation as to resolve the issues identified in this technical assessment. 

Our certified OSCP, OSWP and GPEN conducted network and web application penetration test to simulate hacker’s activities as to prevent external attack. Internal vulnerabilities assessment is also performed to discover the unmanaged asset. Identify the vulnerabilities with technical tools and manual validation with risk level provided.
Our security specialists have issued a penetration test and vulnerabilities assessment report on the security findings with different level of severity. Critical vulnerabilities and system deficiencies are identified such as SQL injection, missing security patches and remote code execution are identified through exploitation and privilege escalation that are putting company asset at risk. Technical recommendations and advisories are provided according to the existing industrial standard. Latest security protection methods and tools were also suggested for future improvement.

The technical assessment report including:
 •    Prioritized list of vulnerabilities
 •    Specific information about the vulnerabilities exploited
 •    The risk level of the vulnerabilities
 •    The description and evidence of the vulnerabilities
 •    Potential impact
 •    Technical recommendations

After our assessment and in-depth analysis of the security testing, Ringus has provided a detailed report documenting each security issue with a set of security recommendations (methods and tools) and corrective action plans. Findings walkthrough session is also conducted to ensure our client understand the issues and able to implement those plans accordingly. Ringus has also provided follow-up services for the remediation works to verify that the remedial activities had been successful.
Our recommendations have provided our client with an up-to-date defense against known vulnerabilities and global hackers, allowing our client to estimate and justify the cost of equipments whenever appropriate in scaling up its security level, providing a continual improvement model. With our comprehensive report, professional recommendations and direct assistance, our client was able to get a realistic idea on the existing security level of their setup. Our work helped the client avert a potential reputational crisis and allowed the company to operate their systems in a confident and secure way.  

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量子計算是一種基於量子力學原理的計算技術,能在同一時間處理多種可能性,極大提升計算速度和效率。傳統電腦需要數百萬年完成的運算,量子計算可能在數分鐘內完成。隨著技術領先國家在量子計算領域的突破,這項技術正逐漸從理論走向實用化,並預計在不久的將來對各行各業產生重大影響,尤其是對依賴計算的金融業。 金融業高度依賴複雜的數學模型進行風險評估、投資組合優化及市場定價,而量子計算能快速解決傳統電腦難以處理的問題。例如,它能高效計算金融衍生品的價格模型、模擬市場波動並優化高維度投資策略。此外,量子計算能對海量市場數據進行即時分析,提取模式並預測市場走勢,為交易提供更精準的數據。同時,它能顯著提升演算法交易的效率,幫助機構在短時間內搶佔市場先機。對資產管理而言,量子計算能快速處理多變量的資產組合,找到收益與風險的最佳平衡點,協助投資者實現資本增值。  然而,科技的風險與機遇並存,量子計算也不例外。最大挑戰是傳統加密技術的脆弱性。目前金融機構廣泛採用的加密技術基於數學計算的複雜性,而量子計算能快速破解這些技術。一旦攻擊者利用量子計算破解加密密鑰,金融交易、用戶隱私與系統安全將面臨重大威脅。此外,金融業處理大量敏感數據,如客戶身份、交易記錄和資金流動,若量子計算被惡意使用,可能導致數據洩露或交易遭操控。  一項模擬測試顯示,擁有足夠強大量子電腦的攻擊者可在數分鐘內破解2048位RSA加密技術,從而竊取交易數據或篡改支付內容。這表明量子計算可能引發高額資金損失、影響客戶信任甚至引發系統性金融危機。因此,金融機構需提前採取措施應對量子計算的潛在威脅。  應對量子計算帶來的風險,金融機構應採取以下措施:首先,逐步替換現有的加密技術,採用抗量子加密演算法,這些技術不依賴傳統數學難題,能有效抵禦量子計算的威脅。其次,實施分層次的安全策略,包括數據分段加密、即時威脅偵測和縱深防禦,即便某一層加密被攻擊,仍能限制損害範圍,確保系統安全。最後,模擬量子攻擊場景並測試新型加密方案的有效性,確保在量子計算普及後能迅速切換到量子安全技術。  總之,量子計算的興起為金融業帶來了巨大的機遇,但也伴隨著資訊安全的挑戰。傳統加密技術失效和數據隱私威脅是金融機構面臨的主要風險。然而,透過部署後量子加密技術和強化多層次防禦機制,金融業可有效降低量子計算的潛在風險。在量子時代真正來臨前,提前佈局是確保金融系統穩定、安全的關鍵。 尹展軒 Senior IT Consultant